My actual honey production concentrates on four types for now, which differ completely in their aromas and characteristics: from the strong flavour of the dandelion honey to the intense and bitter flavour of the chestnut honey.
White flower honey exists in thousands of flavours because it is the easiest way to classify a honey if there is no florescence that predominates the content of the glass. My white flower honey varies from the clear colour of the spring honey from the Garda Lake to the darker and taste-intensive honey of the mountains in the late summer.
I produce my dandelion honey during the pollination of the apple trees in the “Moos” (apple plantation) of Termeno and Caldaro in South Tyrol. Between the lines of trees the ground is coloured yellow due to all the dandelions in this period and offers a lot of food for my bees.
The lime blossom honey is often used for sweeting herbal tea. You cannot find limes everywhere, but in urban zones and alleys these trees have often an ornamental purpose. In Trentino, there are many of these alleys, and near my bees there stands a particular majestic individual of over 300 years.
The chestnut honey is one of the most loved and most tasteful types of honey. It can be produced only with the sweet chestnut, not with the horse chestnut. In Trentino, there are different places where chestnuts are cultivated or grow wild in the meantime. Here and even in South Tyrol I succeeded in producing this honey.